Hostující profesor dr. Jack Simons
Během akademického roku 2023/2024 působí na katedře psychologie dr. Jack Simons. Bude se zapojovat do výuky (předmět Counselling Theory and Practice a předmět Četba anglických odborných publikací) a do realizace výzkumu School4all.
Kdo je dr. Simons?
Jack Simons, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at Mercy University in New York. He is also affiliated with the Department of Human Development and Quantitative Research Methodology at the University of Maryland. Dr. Simons received his doctorate in counseling from the University of Missouri, St. Louis with an emphasis in school counseling and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender topics. He completed postdoctoral training at the Francis McClelland Institute for Children, Youth, and Families in Arizona.
Dr. Simons has published extensively, and his work aims to support academics to protect the human rights of individuals and communities throughout the world. His lab is dedicated to studying factors that influence sexual and gender minority individuals’ experiences including identity and personal strength, educational and counseling experiences, positive social support, and healthy behaviors. His research interests include educators, youth and emerging adults, identity behavior theory, and STEM advocacy.
Vítáme dr. Simonse a doufáme, že studující katedry psychologie využijí jeho přítomnost k rozšíření svých poznatků a obzorů.